Training experts in new mobility

ESTACA is the new mobility school providing higher education for engineers to meet the challenges of sustainable transport: respect for the environment, controlled energy consumption, air quality, new energies, use of smart ecological materials, connected autonomous systems, digital technologies, new uses, and vehicle safety and reliability. Training focuses on the emerging needs in the aeronautics, space, automobile, rail, urban transport and naval sectors, among others. The School is at the forefront of technological innovation and promotes passion, commitment, pragmatism and openness to the world. Two recent campuses provide an innovative study setting with state-of-the-art laboratories, FabLabs, and coworking areas: ESTACA Paris- Saclay in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and ESTACA Campus-Ouest in Laval.
Research working for clean, smart, safe transport

ESTACA carries out research activities for the emergence of new technologies for smart, sustainable green transport that is adapted to new mobility. Two scientific centers work on four main subjects:
- Air quality
- Weight reduction
- Energy
- Embedded systems
ESTACA has developed structuring industrial and academic partnerships to work complementarily, pooling resources to carry out large-scale projects. It has a strong local presence in the Ile-de-France region and in the Pays de la Loire region. Its research strategy is backed by state-of-the-art experimental resources on different scales (components, subsystems, vehicle systems). These resources are put to work in research and in training programs.
Training engineers to meet company needs

At ESTACA, everything is done to fulfill students’ aspirations and to meet the needs of industry. Companies are associated in all decisions at all major times in the School’s life:
- The School’s governance brings together representatives from the transport industry who participate in the School’s strategic choices in relation to the industry’s short, medium and long-term needs.
- The large majority of the teaching staff are engineers working at Airbus Group, Dassault, Alstom, CNES, ONERA, PSA, RATP, Renault, SNCF, SAFRAN, etc. They contribute their technical knowledge, updated depending on the changes they experience in their work.
- Many events are organized jointly with companies: the ESTACA Forum is an opportunity for students to find internships or first jobs. Conferences are organized regularly, as are visits to industrial sites, etc.
- Companies provide support to ESTACA through Chairs, partnerships, and a variety of contributions.
Opening up to the world
Understanding technological and cultural differences worldwide is a key part of the future engineer’s background. International experience is required during each student’s training at ESTACA.
- Some sixty partners in 25 different countries make it possible to study abroad in the 3rd, 4th or 5th year.
- A network of partner companies welcomes students around the world (Airbus, Dassault, Alstom, BombardierFaurecia, Bosch, Volkswagen, etc.).
ESTACA is part of the networks of excellence, such as the n+i program, which facilitates training for international engineers, or Pegasus, which brings together the best European universities specialized in aerospace engineering.